Bio identical Hormone therapy Altadena, CA - Renewal Hormone Clinic

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses plant-derived hormones that are molecularly identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. This allows the bioidentical hormones to bind perfectly to hormone receptors and mimic the function of the hormones produced by the ovaries or testes before they ceased functioning optimally.

BHRT is used to relieve uncomfortable signs and symptoms of menopause or andropause (male menopause) that occur due to the natural decline of hormones levels with aging. Prescribed by a specialist like an endocrinologist specializing in female hormones, customized BHRT can help patients find relief.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

There are many potential benefits associated with properly administered customized bioidentical hormone therapy, including relief of:

BHRT may also help:

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Basics of Treatment

Hormones commonly replaced through bio identical hormone replacement include:

The first step is to get hormone levels tested to determine which hormones are deficient. This allows precise customization of treatment through bio identical hormone therapy.

The bioidentical hormones are typically available in FDA-approved creams, gels or pellet implants. Doses can be adjusted based on patient symptoms and follow up lab tests to achieve optimal hormone balance unique to each individual.

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

The longer hormone levels decline without appropriate treatment, the greater the risks to physical and mental health. Research indicates that the unhealthy effects of low hormones accumulate over time.

Signs of declining hormone levels should not be ignored. Symptoms tend to gradually worsen, significantly reducing quality of life. Untreated hormone imbalance is associated with increased risks of:

Fortunately, bio identical hormone treatment can help restore quality of life and minimize these elevated risks with long-term use.

Early intervention with bioidentical hormones allows for better outcomes. Optimal results are achieved when treatment is initiated promptly at the onset of deficiency symptoms, before they become severe.

Why Choose Renewal Hormone Clinic for Treatment?

As a top-rated hormone compounding pharmacy specializing in bio identical hormone therapy, Renewal Hormone Clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatments personalized for your unique needs.

Benefits of choosing Renewal Hormone Clinic include:

Find relief with customized BHRT treatment today!

Altadena's Ideal Environment for Hormone Replacement Therapy

Nestled below the San Gabriel mountains, the charming community of Altadena offers the perfect setting to embrace the positive changes of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

The year-round sunny climate provides abundant opportunities for outdoor activities known to enhance treatment success through:

Peaceful walking routes, fitness studios, and healthy restaurants make it easy to adopt lifestyle recommendations that maximize results:

Useful Local Establishments:

The relaxing pace coupled with a strong sense of community creates the perfect backdrop for this rejuvenating treatment.

Topics in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

Detecting a hormone deficiency starts with understanding common symptoms and getting the right tests.

What Are the Signs of Low Hormones?

Patients with declining hormones may experience a range of nonspecific symptoms associated with menopause, andropause or thyroid disorders.

Common signs of hormone imbalance include:

Less common symptoms can involve:

Keep in mind many factors affect hormones so some fluctuations are normal. Tracking symptoms in a journal helps identify persistent changes that may require treatment.

Which Hormone Levels Should Be Tested?

Reputable hormone compounding pharmacies specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) will first recommend testing key hormone levels through blood, saliva or urine samples.

This establishes a baseline to determine which hormones are imbalanced. Testing may assess levels of:

Follow up tests help monitor patient response to customized treatment. Dosages can be adjusted based on symptoms and lab results.

Forever Healthy MD uses advanced diagnostics to precisely identify deficient hormones before creating custom formulations. Their expertise facilitates optimal BHRT outcomes.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Protocols

The process for initiating bioidentical hormone therapy will vary based on each patient’s unique needs but typically involves:

Initial consultation – Review health history, symptoms, preferences Diagnostic assessment – Measure hormone levels from blood panels Custom prescription – Match bioidentical hormones to deficiencies Route of administration – Choose gels, creams, pills, pellets Follow up testing – Re-check hormone levels, adjust doses

Protocols for starting treatment ensure safe, effective BHRT outcomes.

Most patients using our customized creams report rapid improvements within the first month. Results continue to progress during the 3-6 month stabilization phase as optimal hormone balance is reached through testing and dosage adjustments.

Creams allow flexibility to change doses quickly during this initial period compared to more sustained release options like pellets. For maximum convenience, we compound multiple hormones into one cream.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Best Results

Adopting healthy lifestyle practices enhances BHRT outcomes. Recommendations may include:

Nutrition – An anti-inflammatory diet high in produce, healthy fats from nuts/avocados, fibrous whole grains, and omega-3s from seafood promotes hormone health. Limit sugar/alcohol which can destabilize mood and energy. Stay hydrated.

Exercise – Cardio, strength training and balance exercises for 30-60 minutes daily preserves bone/muscle mass for injury prevention. Outdoor walks also boost vitamin D. StretchLab teaches safe techniques.

Stress management – Relaxation practices like yoga lower cortisol and support hormone balance. GreenHeart Yoga offers personalized classes.

Sleep hygiene – Prioritize 7-9 hours nightly. Sufficient sleep allows hormones to regenerate. Blackout curtains, limiting electronics, and nightly routines aid restful sleep.

Social connection – Nurturing relationships provide emotional support during transitions. Seek stimulating activities that uplift mood like group exercise, travel, and community events.

Routine health visits – Stay vigilant with preventative care. Annual physicals, regular dental cleanings, cancer screenings and eye exams preserve wellness long-term.

We offer referrals to knowledgeable practitioners supporting all aspects of healthy, balanced lifestyles specific to hormone optimization.

Bioidentical Hormones for Emotional Health

Hormones regulate key neurotransmitters that stabilize mood. Declining or fluctuating levels commonly manifest as depression and anxiety in perimenopause. BHRT can lift dark clouds by restoring balance.

We help patients connect with mental health resources to develop coping strategies alongside hormone therapy. Talk therapy, mindfulness practices, emotional support groups and natural supplements provide additional tools for weathering transitions gracefully.

A multifaceted approach works best. Our goal is not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms but to help patients thrive in this next stage of womanhood.

References from the Internet:

According to medical experts, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can provide women relief from menopause symptoms and help them reclaim their health and quality of life (1). When administered correctly under doctor supervision, BHRT has been shown to be a safe long-term treatment option (2). Finding an experienced hormone therapy provider is key for successful outcomes.

At Renewal Hormone Clinic our team of compounding specialists and anti-aging medicine doctors have the proven expertise to help patients determine if BHRT is right for them (3). We welcome those seeking natural relief to schedule a consultation and get their hormone testing started.


  1. .edu/womens-health/what-are-bioidentical-hormones
  2. ./pmc/articles/PMC4266870/

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. More research is needed to determine the long-term benefits and risks of bioidenticals compared to conventional hormone therapy.

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